Monday, August 18, 2008

current layout

I worked on this diagram of the yard's current layout today. It is not to scale, nor is it proportionately correct. I made the lot too wide, so the space on the west side of the house is too wide, and so is the back yard. oh well! LOL...

Anyway, what I'd like to do this year is prepare beds all around the fence in back (light gray perimeter), and perhaps prepare the space behind the garage for planting (could I put a dwarf fruit tree back there?) This may be too ambitious. it's tough finding time for this stuff when we have a toddler and my hubby and I are on different work schedules. The ideal times to work on this, hubby sleeps and I have to keep an eye on the crazy kid.

As I was looking at this layout, I realized that it would have been nice to have the garage moved up to the back end of the house and attached there... then I'd have a lot more useable planting space.

Oh well... I have a friend who has 25+ trees in her yard, and it's no bigger than ours. I don't want that many trees. So I'm sure I can do what I want here.

I would like to know where's best to plant some stuff that I have to wait for production... like some berries, asparagus and rhubarb. I'd like to get those planted ASAP, since we'll have to wait on them. Oh, and any fruit-bearing trees I might want. Also want to think about what shrubs would be best to plant along the west side of the house, for insulation. The northerly wind really hits that side pretty fiercely.

1 comment:

Hollyn said...

Other than the winter, isn't the PA in approximately the same zone as IA? I know BigBuff is busy, but I'd probably give him a shot.

I have no idea. I'm sorry I can't help, but I can't wait to see how it turns out. Hopefully, in real life too!