Sunday, August 17, 2008

What's been done so far this year...

So, the previous post has my yard as it was a few months ago. Here are a few changes since then.

I re-straw mulched my herb garden. It had been taken over by weeds, so I pulled them and put straw down. But I didn't do it the way it should be done for permaculture. I'm hoping the garden forgives me. I'm still bummed that I lost some herbs. I plan to replant them next year.

Today I added these two 4'x8' beds to the back yard along the fence. I learned that I really only have the endurance to do one bed a day. But this was done in the permaculture style. I laid down cardboard first, then a thick layer of compost, straw, thinner layer of compost, and then more straw. Then watered it for as long as I could. I think I watered it enough. I still have the lumber for another bed next to these, I just need to get the energy/time... I wore out myself today.

I don't know how many of these beds I'll get done before winter. But I had 2 cubic yards of compost delivered so hopefully I can get most of it used up before snow hits! LOL

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